
Wikimania presentations discuss significant contributions to research and practice in all aspects of wiki collaboration. We encourage emphasizing lessons learned and providing a clear concise message to the audience about the relevance of the work.

Each presentaion will be given a 20-minutes (15 minutes talk + 5 minutes for Q&A session) or 30-minutes (25 minutes talk + 5 minutes for Q&A session) time slot.


Workshops provide an opportunity to discuss and learn about topics that require extended engagement such as new systems, research methods, standards and formats. A workshop should require participants to engage with each other.

Proposed time frames: 1h or 2h or 4h


Wikis are intended to be used, and no format is better suited for teaching the new wiki technology than showing and using it. Tutorials give presenters an opportunity to show running systems and gather feedback. We encourage creating interactive tutorials where participants follow on-screen step-by-step instructions.

Each tutorial will be given a 1h time slot.


Panels provide an interactive forum for bringing together people with interesting points of view to discuss compelling wiki issues. Panels involve participation from both the panelists and audience members in a lively discussion.

Each panel will be given a 1h time slot.


Poster presentations allow to present work that is best communicated in conversation. Wikimania's lively poster sessions let conference attendees exchange ideas one-on-one with authors, and let authors discuss their work in detail with those attendees most deeply interested in the topic. Successful applicants will be invited to display a poster, 1x2m in size, at a special plenary session of the conference. They will also have an opportuniy to give a short 10-minutes talk (including Q&A session) at a special session